iReview: Curiosity increases in velocity


Curiosity didn’t just kill the cat. It killed the need for having to go to the library or Google in order to find out how to do something.

Curious, an app available for free in the App Store, is a database filled with more tutorial videos than you ever thought could have existed. The app includes tutorials on anything from crafts to technology, from recipes to foreign languages, and from playing musical instruments to learning math skills.

Upon downloading the app, I found myself curious about things I had never given thought to before: knitting, speaking Italian, growing vegetable gardens, and salsa dancing.

For each video you choose to watch, you are able to enroll in that lesson. And enrolling has its perks. For example, if I were to enroll in a lesson, I would be able to add comments regarding the video and pose questions to the teacher of that lesson.

Each tutorial video on Curious is divided into parts. In order to keep the videos interactive, after each part, a multiple choice or true/false question is asked. After answering, you move on to the next section of that video. The questions aren’t there to be bothersome or tricky. They just make sure that you understand the main points of the video.

Now for the downside: the lessons have a price. Curious’s videos typically run in series. While the first introductory video may be free, the second video, where you begin to really deepen your knowledge, has a cost. The videos can be as cheap as $0.99 or as much as $4.99.

For getting a full understanding of a new concept or skill, Curious may not hold your answer without a price. But if you’re just looking to gain a general understanding of a myriad of skills, you’re in luck, my friend.

The app features a section entitled “Curios.” Each day, the staff of Curious chooses their “Curio” video of the day. With the right settings on, your phone will even send you push notifications of that day’s Curio. This daily featured video is always free and always provides some sort of useful information.

Even if you’re not interested in the subject of the lesson, often times the lessons are given by people with British accents, and that’s just fun to listen to.

Lauren Glase is the Media Chief for The Patriot and