Patriot Perspective: The new dance policies amped up and electrified the atmosphere of the Homecoming dance for students


After the announcement of the new policy that forbid inappropriate, but popular dancing styles like grinding, students began complaining that the dance wouldn’t be as fun as it was last year or in past years.

However, the new dance policy greatly improved Homecoming. And even with a few minor setbacks, this year’s Homecoming dance was one of the best yet.

The motto of the dance was “face to face with space,” forcing students not to grind, gyrate, or dance in an overtly sexual manner. It allowed students to bond with their friends and not be pressured to dance in a particular fashion.

By applying this policy to all future dances, the administration hopes to increase the positive experience of the dance.

Modern dance styles require a partner, often leaving some people with the feeling of being left out and unwanted.

However, the new policy changed this. It gives the opportunity to cut loose and have fun with friends, regardless of whether or not you came with or without a date.

Another great part of the dance was the water bottles that were being given out in the cafeteria. At other dances, drinks have to be bought from the vending machine. This could be a hassle, especially for girls who rarely have a place to hold their money.

Although the beginning of the night was a tad awkward, like most dances are, students started to warm up and bust out classic moves like “The Sprinkler,” “The Shopping Cart,” and everyone’s favorite, “The Running Man.”

While DJ Storm was totally awesome and would be great for a rave, with the new rules, the music seemed a bit out of sync with the new policy. The DJ played really upbeat techno music, had great lights, but played borderline inappropriate music videos on giant screens for everyone to see.

What was annoying was the storm that DJ Storm brought into the building with him.

Several times during the dance, when the bass dropped, fog and a gust of cool air violently shot across the gym. The first time this happened, we were actually scared as it felt like a ride at Disney World.

Another awkward aspect was the middle-aged Elvis impersonator that tried to sing the night away in the cafeteria. It was an interesting addition to say the least, with some students engaging in the performance and others finding it utterly obnoxious.

The idea of having an activity outside of the hot, sweaty gym gave students a chance to take a break. However, the King of Rock n’ Roll made students wish Elvis had left the building earlier.

In the end, Homecoming 2013 was a fun time, regardless of the doubts students had before it.

We are certainly looking forward to what’s in store for next year.