Bynion’s Opinion: Give me a break

Copy Editor Taylor Bynion often finds herself wishing there was a way to overcome life’s daily inconveniences, struggles, and challenges. This column gives her a space to share her feelings on everything from minor annoyances to more prominent issues, and hopefully make some positive changes along the way.


Students are required to attend school for at least 180 days a year – those days are filled with tests, quizzes, and challenging assignments and are followed by nights filled with hours of studying and doing homework. By the time a student is in high school, he or she has spent more time in school then out of it.

With the intense workload and the stress that comes with it, students need a mental break, which is why breaks, such as Christmas and Easter, are so important. These breaks not only give students time to celebrate the holidays, but they also allow students to step back from their usual busy weekly school routines.

More and more frequently, however, I’ve found that students are given a greater amount of homework over these so called “breaks.” A break is supposed to be a time for students and teachers alike to de-stress and have time away from school. This should allow everyone to return from break with a refreshed mind.

Students cannot enjoy a break if there is a multitude of assignments given. Over spring break, I found myself spending multiple days working on assignments that were due the day we returned to school. If this amount of work is given, a “break” is not a break at all, but is more like a week of Cyber Days.

I have also found during breaks that students in honors classes are given more work than students who take regular courses. Students work hard all year round regardless of what level class they are in. Even though some students are in higher-level classes, this does not mean they do not need a break from school.

In addition, many families go on vacations during breaks from school. Instead of relaxing with family and enjoying time off, some students find themselves anxious to return home so that they can start on their homework.

Also, giving students a multitude of work does not even improve grades. Harris Cooper, a professor of psychology and director of Duke University Program in Education, studied how much homework a student should be given. “Even for high school students, overloading them with homework is not associated with higher grades,” Cooper said.

Because of this, the school should not assign homework over breaks. It is not beneficial and causes unnecessary stress for students. By giving students time off with no homework, they will be more refreshed and ready to start working hard again after break.

Taylor Bynion is a Copy Editor for The Patriot and