If I was about seven years younger, my haunted visit to the Plumpton Park Zoo would have been terrifyingly awesome. Unfortunately, I’m 15 years old, not eight, so this haunted trip was quite a disappointment.
The haunted tour started off with a five minute wait. As customers began to gather, I noticed something odd. Most of the people milling about were parents with their children. At this point, I began to think that this haunted attraction might not be for me.
The tour began in a house where an old man told a creepy story about its history. He actually did a decent job and was fairly convincing. While we were listening, a zombie bride snuck up behind us and jumped out. This moment shocked me quite a bit, but my hopes for a good scare were dashed as we went on a haunted tour.
The tour itself was disappointing, but our tour guide was a bright spot in this fairly boring attraction. He was hilarious and his story, speaking of a zombie outbreak in the zoo and mass escape of animals was convincing. The tour was filled with zombies chasing us until we reached a hayride. Along the way there was surprisingly good acting, but these parts were spread too far apart and only lasted for a few seconds.
As we got on the hayride, we went through the woods, encountering several scenes of escaped animals attacking people and zombies chasing us. Even some mechanical recreations of the animals came after us like a giraffe. Once again our tour guide kept things somewhat interesting. Afterwards, we got off the hay ride and took a short walk to the exit.
To put it simply, children younger than 10 or 11 would enjoy this haunted attraction. Maybe you could even recommend it to a younger sibling. If you don’t fit into that category, though, you’re best off looking elsewhere for a scare.
Cole Alban is a Sports Editor for The Patriot and jcpatriot.com.