King and Queen Seat provides perfect date for adventurous couples
Looking over the rocks of the King and Queen Seat reveals a lush green forest. It is located at 3318 Rocks Chrome Hill Rd, Jarrettsville, MD 21084.
At first, walking toward the edge of the 190-foot high cliff can be frightening, but once I took my eyes off of the ground, the view was breathtaking.
The King and Queen Seat at Rock State Park is the ideal date spot for anyone looking to both be adventurous and have fun, all while getting to see amazing sights in nature.
The King and Queen Seat is perfect for any couple because it is only 23 minutes from JC, and it is free. The only problem with the King and Queen Seat is the minimal parking. There is a parking lot, but it might take some time for a parking spot to open up on a busy day.
The first thing my date and I did was walk up the 0.4 mile trail that leads you to the King and Queen Seat. The trail is uphill, but it is a short distance, so it is not strenuous. The trail is filled with beautiful trees and flowers on both sides, so the walk up the trail is an easy one.
Once we got to the top of the trail, we read the plaque with the information about the site. It was once used as a ceremonial place for the Susquehannock Indians, and the two main rocks were where the King and Queen would sit. After that we ventured out onto the rocks.
Being out on the rocks makes you feel like you are on top of the world. We looked out over the rocks at the scenery below. We saw more trees than imaginable swaying in the wind and we heard the rush of water from the river down below.
The beautiful scenery in the background makes for great pictures of you and your date, so you can remember the date forever.
The King and Queen’s seat also offers other small hiking trails for you and your date to go on, and it has an outdoor picnic area so you can have a nice lunch.
With all of the great things that the King and Queen Seat offers, it makes it the ideal date spot because it is fun and refreshing. There is nothing better than being outdoors surrounded by nature with your date.
Kristen Isoldi is an A&E Editor for the The Patriot and