Where should you chill?
With the increasing number of frozen yogurt places, reporter Taylor Bynion reviews three of the options in search of the best one.
June 3, 2016
This is the yogurt I made at Yogurt Mountain. Overall my experience and the yogurt were less than adequate.
When I visited Yogurt Mountain in Forest Hill, I had high expectations because the yogurt shop was recommended to me by a friend. As I walked in the door, I was greeted by a young worker eating his dinner at one of the shop’s tables. This was the first of many strange things that my Yogurt Mountain experience had to offer.
I walked to the back of the shop and was not very impressed by the yogurt flavor selections. Most of them were simple like vanilla and chocolate and there weren’t any fun flavors like the cotton candy flavor offered by Sweet Frog. I decided to start with vanilla, but as I placed my cup under the machine, nothing came out. The machine was completely empty.
Disappointed that I couldn’t try their vanilla, I moved on to their mint flavor. This machine, however, had a hand-written sign over top reading, “out of order”- this was strike two. I was able to get chocolate and birthday cake, but when I tried salted caramel, the machine was also empty. This was strike three and I moved on to toppings.
Yogurt Mountain’s topping selection was also not my favorite. They had many options, but some of their toppings were running low. The worker enjoying his dinner didn’t seem to notice, and the only other worker was in the back room.
After getting just a few toppings, I walked back toward the front of the shop to pay for my disappointing yogurt. The worker in the back room came out to operate the register while the other employee continued to enjoy his meal.
When I asked how much the yogurt cost per ounce, he hesitated and seemed to be really thinking about the question. This bothered me because if you’re selling a product, I believe you should know how much you are charging people for it. After the brief pause, he said he believed $0.47.
After paying, I sat down to hopefully find a redeeming quality in the taste of the yogurt, but once again I was disappointed. The flavor of the yogurt was mediocre at best.
As I was leaving, I heard one of the employees say that working at the yogurt shop made his last four months awful. This just added to the disappointment I received from going to Yogurt Mountain, and I would have to give the shop one star out of five.