Jarrettsville Nurseries provides the perfect Christmas tree picking experience

Alex Hau, Media Chief

A Christmas tradition most people share is getting a tree. It used to be that people would go and cut their trees down, but lately it seems that people have been leaning towards the artificial trees. I will admit that there is less of a mess to clean up, but is that really worth losing one of the oldest Christmas traditions?

There is more to cutting down your own Christmas tree than using a saw and tying it to the roof of the car. There is a entire family bonding experience that is being overlooked. The time spent with the family in the car, picking out the perfect tree, and getting hot cocoa after the tree is finally tied to the car are all precious moments that everyone should experience.

The best place to experience all of these things is at Jarrettsville Nurseries. Located at 1121 Holy Cross Rd, Street, MD, this 80-acre farm, featuring thousands of sheared Firs, Pines, & Spruces, is the place to find the perfect tree to fit your home.

In addition to a large selection of trees, Jarrettsville Nurseries has several other benefits. They will let you borrow a saw and sled if you don’t have one, and once you bring your tree back to the entrance, they will net it for you to make it easy for you to tie it to the roof of your car. They even supply the rope you use to tie the tree down.

There are attractions other than Christmas trees. For example, there are wagon rides that take people to tour the farm, and on weekends, they bring Santa in for the kids. There is also a train garden that people of all ages can enjoy.

Many Christmas movies such as Elf or National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation display the act of cutting down the family Christmas tree. While there may be comedic elements added, it still depicts the well-known tradition. I don’t think that homes across America should switch to the fake Christmas trees as it eliminates that tradition and puts Christmas tree places out of business.

The prices of the trees are also amazing for the exceptional quality of the tree. The lowest price of a tree is $25. I can say from experience that since my family has been getting our trees at Jarrettsville Nurseries, they have not dried out until the new year after being purchased the day after Thanksgiving.

The trees come in a plethora of sizes, too. Whether you are looking for a small tree for just the right amount of Christmas spirit in your living room or the huge nine-footer to reach your ceilings and fill your home with Christmas joy, Jarrettsville Nurseries is the place for you.

Opening on Black Friday, you can get the perfect Christmas tree for your home at a great price, have it completely processed for you so all you have to do when you get home is cut the baling off and put it in the tree stand, and have a cup of cocoa while enjoying the train garden and Santa Claus at Jarrettsville Nurseries.

They keep the Christmas in Christmas trees.