Sisters Chloe and Bethany serve as ambassadors for fundraiser

Els Krimsky, Sports Editor

Radiothon is an annual fundraiser organized by Johns Hopkins Children’s Center and is the single largest fundraising event they oversee.

Sisters Chloe and Bethany Davies began donating to the fundraiser 11 years ago, eight years before they would become recipients of the same care that they helped support.

“My family started donating to the Radiothon because we had heard about it on the radio and just wanted to help the kids,” said Chloe, a member of JC’s Class of 2023.

Her younger sister, Bethany, who is a freshman at JC this year, added, “We would collect money in our piggy banks and deliver the cash in person to the children’s hospital.”

This year, Radiothon was responsible for raising $1,432,212.34, the highest amount the fundraiser has ever earned since its creation in 1990.

Chloe and Bethany were selected to be ambassadors for the 34th Annual Radiothon, which is done in partnership with Mix 106.5.

Bethany explained, “Being ambassadors meant sharing our story on the radio throughout both days of the event, being interviewed live by the DJs, and creating online fundraiser pages for our family and friends to make contributions do.”

Chloe said she and her sister were tasked with writing thank you cards for donors, answering donor phone calls and calling people to ask them to donate, helping reveal the grand total at the end of the event, and giving a speech about their story at the gala they held to celebrate raising all the money.

Becoming an ambassador for the event was not something anyone could sign up for. Radiothon seeks out kids who have received care from the Children’s Center to share their stories to express how important donating this cause is and where exactly donations go.

Chloe and Bethany would have remained simply as donors and not ambassadors of Radiothon if it were not for a car accident they experienced in 2020.
Paramedics rushed the sisters to Johns Hopkins where they received immediate care for their injuries. Chloe faced a concussion and was diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety, and depression, and

Bethany cracked her pelvis in two places, meaning she would have to undergo extensive physical therapy.

Their story was broadcast on Mix 106.5, which involved Chloe, Bethany, and their mother Cindy being interviewed live-on-air.

Chloe said, “During our live interview, I was asked about my mental issues that came about due to the accident. They also asked us questions about what Hopkins means to us and asked our mom what it was like to be called and told her children were in a terrible accident.”

Bethany added, “We did not have a script or prepared responses to any questions; it was basically just a conversation on the radio with the DJs more in depth about our story and how it is special.”

Chloe and Bethany hope to encourage others to get involved for next years’ Radiothon. Chloe suggested, “Others can get involved by donating each year and volunteering at the event. Check out JHCC’s website to find out more.”