Canadian TV show ‘Heartland’ is a family-friendly soap opera that navigates family drama, romance, and heartbreak, all with a western spin. The series follows the Fleming family who live on a ranch in Alberta, Canada.
The series first aired in October 2007 on CBC and soon grew in popularity. The show has 16 seasons.
Heartland was originally a series of 24 books, which were released between 2000 and 2005 although the series doesn’t follow the books very closely.
Heartland’s main protagonist is Amy Fleming, a high school student who is played by Amber Marshall. After her mother’s tragic death, Amy takes over the role that her mother once had: healing troublesome horses.
The equine ranch where Amy and her family live soon becomes a lively scene with clients looking for Amy’s expertise. Amy is forced to juggle school, clients, and relationships.
The family then takes in Ty, a fresh-out of juvie delinquent, who becomes the farm’s ranch hand. Amy and Ty’s relationship begins as friends but ends up blossoming into a deeper and more intimate relationship.
The character development of both Amy and Ty are very significant as seasons pass, and both characters mature greatly. Their relationship is very relatable to audience members — something many series struggle to do.
As time passes, the Flemings start to struggle financially. Lou, Amy’s sister, creates a plan to bring in more money. The Heartland Equestrian Connection is constructed and brings in families looking for a ranch getaway.
Many may be quick to judge the topic of the show and the western theme. Heartland finds ways to balance this and not be overbearing or repetitive.
Throughout the years, Heartland has been nominated for 13 Directors Guild of Canada Awards and has won nine. Some of these include “Best Family Television Series,” “Best Editing,” and “Outstanding Directorial Achievement in a Family Series.”
Heartland is recommended to anyone who needs a comfort show or a new show to binge. Heartland is rated TV-PG and can be found on Netflix, Hulu, Peacock and Amazon Video.