‘The Flash’ is an action-packed adventure show based on main character Barry Allen, played by Grant Gustin.
The Flash follows the storyline of Barry who is struck by lightning. He and his friends then try to figure out what his super-speed powers mean. Barry eventually uses his powers to be the hero of the city.
With Barry juggling his heroic responsibilities to the city, he also struggles with keeping his big secret from his work and personal life. He also has to keep the secret within his love life. Barry eventually finds his balance and finds a way to stability again.
The Flash often collides with other popular shows such as Arrow and Supergirl because their main characters are friends. They are often featured in each other’s shows.
There is also a movie that is called The Flash which hasn’t gotten as much recognition since the television series is more popular.
The Flash series can be found on the CW network or on Netflix.
As of right now, there are seven seasons on Netflix, and the eighth season is coming to Netflix this summer.