JC will host the 11th annual Morning Star Pow Wow this Saturday, Jan. 8.
Crow, Kiowa, and Lakota tribe members will perform their native music and dances. “[In] the past we have seen Navajo and Cheyenne,” Anthropology teacher and Vice Principal of Academics Gary Scholl said,“and we always see Eastern tribes like Cherokee, Nanokote, Delaware, and Onondoga peoples.”
Vendors will sell jewelry, clothing and other native goods. The Pow Wow will also feature Native American art and food.
The Pow Wow begins at 10:00 am with a Cheyenne Moccasin seminar. Flute and dancing performances will take place throughout the remainder of the day.
Money from the event will benefit St. Labre Indian School in Montana. The concessions will benefit Cheyenne in Oklahoma, and the money will be delivered when a group of seniors travels there during Easter weekend for their senior project.
“It is an event with a very good spirit, not only the celebration of native culture but a reunion of different peoples.There’s lots of visiting and camaraderie, but it has a great spirit,” Scholl said.
Allison Walczyk can be reached for comment at awalczyk@jcpatriot.com.