On Wednesday, June 1, it was revealed that the JC summer reading will be “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer.
“We actually spent the year discussing lots of books and options and someone not in the [foreign language] department suggested this book because they knew the speaker,” foreign language department head and Spanish teacher Danica Attanasio said.
Paul Deegan, a friend Director of Enrollment and Marketing Jesse Roberts, is coming to speak to JC about his experience with hiking Mt. Everest.
After hearing that an interesting speaker would be available to connect the novel with the students, Attanasio talked with the rest of the foreign language department.
“I was interested in the message he could share…It really makes a big impact if the students also hear a great speaker,” Attanasio said.
“We felt that this book would appeal to a bigger audience. I’m glad it’s a story that both boys and girls will be able to enjoy,” Spanish teacher Jane Michael said.
According to Attanasio, students are to look for something that surprises, upsets, or interests them and write a one paragraph reflection that uses two quotations from the book as their summer reading assignment.
“There will be a day where we have year level meetings. There will be some time in advisory where you turn in your reflection and discuss the book and the speaker,” Attanasio said.
According to Attansio, the book entails taking risks, meeting a lot of different people, and looking into the culture of the Sherpas (local Nepal residents who serve as guides on Mt. Everest and revere the mountain as a holy place).
“Culture is a big part of language studies…[the themes discussed in the book] can all relate to foreign language,” Attanasio said.
The JC community received the news with mixed emotions. Junior Christie MacDonald is hopeful for this book. “I like ‘Into the Wild’ which is written by the same person.”
On the other hand, sophomore Nick Druelinger is skeptical about the content of the novel. “Why would we read a book about winter during summer?” Druelinger said.
According to Attanasio, more information about purchasing the book and the summer assignment with it will be on the school website.
Grace Kim is a Managing Editor for The Patriot and jcpatriot.com.