Vice Principal Gary Scholl took a stand against the messy cafeteria and started a crackdown during mod four on Monday, Feb. 6.
Scholl, along with science teacher Shane Lawler, stood their ground at each entrance to the cafeteria and informed students that they were not allowed to leave until all trash was picked up.
To grab the attention of the students, Scholl decided to use a bull horn. “I set the siren off to get the students’ attention, accidentally actually,” Scholl said.
At the end of each mod in the cafeteria, students are given countdowns to when the mod ends so they can start cleaning up.
According to Scholl, the faculty’s methods for keeping the cafeteria clean were not working. He decided they had to try other alternatives. Scholl reportedly stood on a table and pointed to where the trash needed to be picked up.
“After the students finished I said ‘Thank you very much for cleaning up the cafeteria. This is now a place where kids will actually want to eat their lunch,’” Scholl said.
To listen to the audio interview with Scholl, see the sidebar.
Taylor Hooper is a Multimedia Editor for The Patriot and