The administration began planning its first “No Shave November” this October to spread awareness for cancer, raise money, and show support for Director of Enrollment Edward Maynard as he battles colon cancer. However, after much discussion and questioning, “No Shave November” has been vetoed for the 2014 year.
“Let’s just say we needed more time to be convinced it was a good way to raise funds and awareness. We never finalized the decision before [Madelyn] Ball left for China,” Vice Principal of Student Affairs and Technology Brian Powell said. “Maybe next year.”
According to senior Anthony Leppert, “I was really looking forward to growing out my beard, and I wish we were still allowed to because it would’ve been fun.”
But it’s not just the male students that are reacting to the cancellation.
“It would’ve been a unique way to show support for [Maynard], but other than that, facial hair is gross,” junior Megan Piercy said.
Eric Johnson is a Sports Editor for The Patriot and jcpatriot.com