In case you missed it: Week of Dec. 5
The Patriot recaps what has happened over the past week in the community and makes sure nothing passed you by. Have a look, and catch up on the news just in case you missed it.
Father Jerry Francik gives his homily to students during Mass. This week’s Mass celebrated the Immaculate Conception of Mary and was held in the upper gym on Thursday, Dec. 8.
Sock and tie day
On Thursday and Friday, women were permitted to wear Christmas socks and men were encouraged to wear Christmas ties. This added to the festive spirit in the hallways, according to senior Taylor Brewer. “I think it lifted the Christmas spirit by allowing students to bring out their best Christmas gear and added to the effect of the Christmas lights in the hallway,” Brewer said.
Mass of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
On Thursday during the assembly mod, students attended a mass commemorating the Immaculate Conception of Mary. The Immaculate Conception of Mary is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church.
Exam schedule announced
On Dec. 8, an email was sent to students notifying them of the exam schedule. On Wednesday, Dec. 14, the math exam is first followed by the world language exam. The religion exam is first on Thursday morning followed by the social studies exam. Friday, Dec. 16, begins with the English exam and finishes with the science exam. While Monday, Dec. 19, is the exam make-up day.
Shrek auditions
Shrek auditions were held in the auditorium last week on Tuesday and Thursday. Underclassmen attended the auditions on Tuesday and upperclassmen attended the auditions on Thursday. Callbacks for the play were on Thursday as well. “Shrek: the Musical” will premiere in March 2017.
Lauren Becker is A News Editor for The Patriot and