In case you missed it: Week of Feb. 6
The Patriot recaps what has happened over the past week in the community and makes sure nothing passed you by. Have a look, and catch up on the news just in case you missed it.
Seniors Arri Stakias and Steven Kutcher (left to right) preform a trick during their magic show on Friday, Feb. 10. Kutcher and Stakias held a magic show in the auditorium from 3:15 p.m. to 4 p.m. as part of Kutcher’s senior project.
Honors Receptions
During the week of Feb. 6, students with first or second honors for second quarter were recognized. On separate days, different grade levels had a reception in the Brown Room and an optional dress down day. In the last 10 minutes of their lunch mods, honors students were invited to receive their certificates, cookies, and stickers which indicated that they were eligible to dress down the following day.
Two Hour Delay
On Thursday, Feb. 9, there was a two-hour delay due to the snow accumulation and windy weather. The school day started at 10 a.m, and a special schedule was used. This schedule created 40-minute mods and a 20-minute lunch.
Students like junior Emma Potthast were delighted to hear Coordinator of Service Learning Susan Strawbridge’s voice announcing the delay. “I felt relieved. I needed the sleep, and it was nice to not have to rush for once,” Potthast said.
Magic Show
On Friday, Feb. 10, from 3:15 p.m. to 4 p.m., seniors Arri Stakias and Steven Kutcher presented a magic show in the auditorium with free admission. The magic show featured various card tricks and other acts involving disappearances and fish. The show served as Kutcher’s senior project.
Many students attended the show and found it entertaining, including junior Jessica Bauer. “For them never having done magic professionally, I thought it was really entertaining and everyone seemed to enjoy it,” Bauer said.
Anna Kotula is a Contributor for The Patriot and