In case you missed it: Week of May 8
Junior Matt Foulk presents his speech for SGA Vice President on Thursday, May 12 during the H-Day assembly mod. Foulk ran unopposed, while juniors Danny Schall and Paul Diehl ran against each other for SGA President.
Patriot Staff Members Win Awards
Senior Editor in Chief Caroline Cooney, junior News Editor Lauren Becker, and alumni Mitchell Hopkins, class of ‘17, were recently announced as award winners for The Patriot. Cooney was a runner-up for High School Journalist of the Year, an award dedicated to honoring top journalistic students in DC, Maryland, and Delaware. Applicants had to submit samples of their writing along with a personal essay about their experiences with journalism. These students intend on reporting in their college careers and futures. According to Cooney, being recognized for this prestigious award was nothing short of an honor. “An award like this helps to shine light on some of the dedication from the people on staff. It also makes me feel proud to be recognized for the long hours I put into the newspaper,” she said.
Becker also won a Quill and Scroll award in recognition of her article “The bees’ last buzz.” Becker expressed excitement for being recognized for her article. “It was an honor to win and be recognized for something that I worked so hard on. I enjoyed writing it, and it was something that I cared about,” she said. Lastly, Hopkins won an award for his front page design of Volume 51 Issue 5. He was recognized for creating a visually appealing image that represented the issue as a whole.
Student Honduras Trip
From Wednesday, May 10 through Wednesday, May 17, a group of eight seniors will be staying in Honduras. These students travelled with social studies teacher Jake Hollin and his wife Amy Hollin to work and live at the Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries Children’s Home. While at the children’s home, the students will participate in activities with the children. The objective is to teach them or simply to have fun. Some seniors travelled to Honduras for their senior project and some went to serve those who aren’t as fortunate as they are.
SGA and Class Elections
On Thursday, May 12, class and SGA elections took place. During the H-day community period, the entire student body gathered in the auditorium to hear speeches from juniors Matthew Foulk, Danny Schall, and Paul Diehl who were running for SGA positions. Then, the students split up by grade levels and went to different parts of the school to hear speeches for class elections. The students will have a chance to vote for their candidates through a survey.
Academy of Music Theater Show
The Academy of Music performed its end of year show on Saturday, May 13 at 2 p.m. in the auditorium. This year, they presented “Seussical Jr.” Academy students auditioned for their role in the production at the beginning of the first semester. They then rehearsed in the auditorium every Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. They performed this show under the direction of performing arts instructor Richard Mahoney.
Anna Kotula is a Contributor for The Patriot and