John Carroll cancels assemblies to prevent spread of illness

Giovanni Rizzotti, Staff Writer

This year at The John Carroll School, the flu has been especially bad.  As a result the assembly for Black History Month and a Catholic Schools Week mass were canceled in an attempt to stop the spreading of the sickness to even more students.

School Nurse Mrs. Michelle Webster said that this flu season is “one of the worst I’ve ever seen. . .I think it was a good decision to cancel the assemblies.”

Assistant Principal Mrs. Danica Attanasio said the cancellation of the assemblies “was a precaution to avoid the spreading of the flu around John Carroll.” Mrs. Attanasio added that this will be a future protocol, in case a similar situation were to ever rise again.

Sophomore May Berger said, “I think it was necessary [to cancel the assemblies] so that the safety and health of JC students was put first.”
English teacher Mr. Kevin Chalk said, “The administration made a correct decision to postpone the assemblies due to the widespread illness at the time, but I look forward to those assemblies in the future.”

Every year, especially during the winter months, the flu is a major sickness that can be spread around to many different people, mainly family members and friends.

Many people across the country are infected with the virus.

According to the website for the Center for Disease Control, the United States has averaged between nine million and 45 million influenza illnesses since the year 2010.