As second semester continues, students are tasked with selecting courses they want to take for the next academic school year. During the pandemic, scheduling is just a little different.
This year, the freshmen and sophomore classes attended mandatory scheduling meetings during the last two asynchronous Fridays. These meetings each lasted about 30-45 minutes.
The sophomores meeting was on February 5, and the freshmen’s meeting was February 12.
The junior class received their scheduling information in their college planning classes.
At these meetings students were given a lot of information regarding scheduling. They received course descriptions and requirements for honors and AP courses, and students were given time to put in some of their course selections and requests on their Veracross pages.
Assistant Principal for Curricular Growth and Innovation Danica Attanasio said, “Most of the scheduling process remains the same as previous years.”
To begin the scheduling process, students attended their meetings and filled out their course requests.
Mrs. Attanasio said, “Honors/AP course requests will be reviewed and approved by departments in March.”
Course requests will either be accepted or denied; not all of the course requests can be honored. She said, “Students are notified throughout the summer if a course does not fit in their schedule.”
If the student does not email her back, Mrs. Attanasio will put in an alternative course. This is why students should monitor their school emails this summer to ensure they have all of the courses they want.
If students have questions, they should contact their counselor.
Mrs. Attanasio commented, “Toward the end of the school year, students will have access to a PDF of their approved course requests in Veracross. Students should review this list prior to leaving for summer vacation and see their counselor with any questions. In addition, students need to check their email regularly throughout the summer in case there is a conflict in their schedule.”
Although the deadline is now in the past, Mrs. Attanasio said, “Students will need to see their counselor after the February 19th deadline to see if changes can be made to their requests.”
Sophomore Hannah Hamill said, “I personally think it was a really well done and organized system. he way it was presented was very comprehensible and made it easier than I’d imagined to pick out my courses.”