This year JC seniors will participate in an in-person Holocaust Remembrance Day event on March 4. The seniors will also visit DC and Arlington National Cemetery on March 8.
At the Arlington National Cemetery seniors will be in attendance for a wreath laying ceremony.
With COVID, there is a chance that some of the events will have to be virtual. Coordinator of External Holocaust Programs Louise Geczy said, “We had a strong program last year when we were forced to be virtual due to COVID, so I am confident that we can stage an equally worthwhile program for this year’s seniors if it becomes necessary for us to do this for either event.”
The annual Holocaust Remembrance Day is an important day for seniors. This year seniors will hear from David Estrin from the Together We Remember Foundation.
Mrs. Geczy said, “The multitude of life lessons embedded in an examination of the Holocaust are very powerful and ones we all can benefit from learning.”
She commented that the remembrance event will hopefully bring forth the message to students that even “in hell [people can] come out of the hellhole and have meaningful, productive, and hopeful lives.”
She also believes that the program put together for the seniors is a rich experience for students because they are exposed to more than one speaker, which gives them a larger perspective on the horrid events of the Holocaust.
Senior Robert Hauf said, “Holocaust Remembrance Day is important to continue respect for those who were victims and to learn from our history to decrease chances of repeating it.”
Senior Aidan Kintz said that it is important to “remember the past to better the future.”
Aidan believes that it is important to learn about events such as the Holocaust so that “history doesn’t repeat itself.”
Senior Abby Leslie believes that “by remembering history, we take one step closer to doing justice for victims and their families.”
Abby also said, “Learning history is important to not repeat it.”
Mrs. Geczy believes that the Holocaust Remembrance Day is very important because “antisemitism is on the rise throughout the world, [and this] emphasizes how important Holocaust lessons are.”
Regardless of whether the events are in-person or online, seniors will learn very important lessons at the Holocaust Remembrance Day.