Each year at John Carroll, the College Preparatory Dance Program puts on a performance of ‘The Nutcracker.’
The Nutcracker is the story of a girl who befriends a nutcracker who comes to life on Christmas Eve and battles the Mouse King.
People of all ages can come and gather to watch these dancers perform. There will be three different shows on December 15 and 16. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $20.
The dancers have been preparing for the show over the past months. Each dancer has different roles, and some have multiple parts they must prepare for.
This year, one of the major roles, Clara, is being performed by senior Emily O’Steen. Junior Madelyn Mullahey is taking on a major role this year as the Sugar Plum Fairy. She is also a member of the Snow Corp. In previous years, she has had up to two or three different roles at a time.
Madelyn said, “Nutcracker is a very special time to me. It’s like the Christmas season, but in dance. It’s a time to bond with all the dancers in the program and to show what we have been rehearsing since September. Nutcracker season is a season of kindness, laughter, joy, and ballet. It’s such a special and fun time.”
College Preparatory Dance Program Director Laura Ward-Moran said, “This performance brings me so much joy. As the dancers will tell you, I really come alive in each rehearsal. Rehearsals go on for weeks and are several hours long at a time, but I never tire. There is something about this special ballet that feels magical. It’s just a lot of fun.”
Mrs. Ward-Moran puts lots of effort into this show to make it a wonderful time. She starts to prepare in May and then continues with the planning through June and July.
By the time August comes around, it is time for auditions and then rehearsals until December.
With over 65 performers in the production, it has become a big community event.
With so many people involved in the show, selecting the roles is a big part. The youth cast has auditions in late August.
The JC College Preparatory Dance Program students attended auditions during the first week of school.
All members of the performance are selected based on artistic merit, but Mrs. Ward-Moran tries to consider seniority as well to make sure that by the time students graduate, they have had a full experience.