JC ACADEMIC TEAM: The John Carroll Academic Team competed in the second round of the “It’s Academic” tournament against Howard High School and Reservoir High School. The team of seniors Jacob Deaver & Sam Golumbek and sophomore Sydney Miller put forth a strong effort, but they were not able to overcome a dominant performance by the Howard team. Trailing by only 10 points after the first two rounds, Howard was the only team to answer all seven questions in the third round, earning them the coveted bonus points, and pushing them to victory. A late surge by the Reservoir team in the final round brought them up to a tie with John Carroll at 360 points while Howard coasted to move on to the semi-finals with 455 points.
The earlier first-round victory of John Carroll over Long Reach and Patapsco was seen on WJZ on Saturday, March 27, at 10 am. This second round match will not be broadcast until May 29. Congrats to all 18 members of the team on a successful season despite the challenges of competing in virtual formats.