Walking through the halls, students notice the installation of new cameras. With the new installments, JC added roughly 20 cameras monitoring hallways and the cafeteria.
“Before the new cameras were installed, we had many gaps where we couldn’t monitor students and now we have very few [gaps],” Vice Principal of Student Affairs and Technology Brian Powell said.
Presently, with the new cameras by CIA Alarms, there are over 40 security cameras at JC. The new security cameras were given through the Homeland Security grant by the federal government.
“We apply to federal grants and sometimes we get them and sometimes we don’t. This time we did,” Powell said.
The old cameras that are still in use are analog cameras which do not allow clear picture identification when zoomed in. Eighty percent of the new security cameras are high definition cameras which work outside in the dark.
“Before, if I wanted to zoom in on something, I wouldn’t be able to tell who the person was that I was looking at. Now, I can zoom in as much as possible and find the person’s identity. Suppose something happens at a football game and I need to look who it was, I would be able to find the trouble makers,” Powell said.
The cameras are used to enforce rules in the cafeteria, maintain safety throughout the school, and help students find lost belongings.
Students understand the need of security cameras and recognize their role in student safety.
“The new cameras that were installed are helpful. It’s good the school can be monitored and ensure safety,” junior Jessica Fuchsluger said.
Agreeing with Fuchsluger, sophomore Zach Miller said “I definitely think the new cameras will improve safety for the school. As long as the faculty isn’t using it to watch the students 24/7, everything is okay.”
The job of the cameras are to monitor students and the JC campus.
“Its not to get people in trouble,” Powell said “but to help when trouble occurs.”
Sydney Kirwan is an In-Depth Editor for The Patriot and jcpatriot.com.