It’s important to honor women this month


Meghan Kerr, Senior Coverage Editor

The month of March is National Women’s History Month. The month is recognized throughout America in order to honor the achievements of women and bring to light the gender discrimination faced throughout history.

Some of the questions I have heard asked fairly often during Women’s History Month are “Why don’t we have a Men’s History Month?” or “Why do women even need a month?”
These questions show just how little Americans know about the struggles of women throughout history. Since the early years of our country, women have been lower on the social chain than men. However, they have consistently persevered and promoted change.
Women have always been taught to keep quiet. In fact, up until barely 100 years ago, they didn’t even have a right to vote in our country.
These orders to stay quiet are exactly why it is imperative that women speak up. These orders to stay quiet are exactly why it is imperative to recognize the women who have spoken up.
We must use Women’s History Month to recognize the struggles and successes of women in history and use them as inspiration to stand out.
Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist working to provide higher education to females in Pakistan once said, “I raise up my voice not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.”
This emphasizes what Women’s History Month is all about: the women who have used their voices to give others opportunities and inspire change around the world.
When you look at the past, almost all change that has been made to improve the rights of women started with a single person speaking up.
Women’s suffrage was earned following protests and conventions that called Congress to action to recognize the rights of women.
Higher education for women was inspired by a single woman defying the odds and those around her by attending schools that people never anticipated women to be able to be admitted to.
After years of speaking up and persevering in politics, women have been accepted into prominent positions in government, such as Vice President, which seemed to be impossible 100 years ago.
Women’s History Month is an important month to recognize and should be used to bring to light the struggles, successes, and battles that women have faced throughout history.
In today’s society, many people assume that women have just as many rights as men. However, with wage gaps, discrimination in the workplace, and stereotypes put on women every day, women continue to face disrespect and injustices in everyday life.
In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor statistics, women’s earnings were 82.3% of men’s in 2020 — not to mention that with this wage gap, women are forced to pay higher prices on necessities. Women pay 13% more for personal care products than their male counterparts. They also pay 8% more for adult clothing.
The statistics speak for themselves as women consistently experience disparities in pay and the cost of goods in the U.S. These disparities are just more of a reason for women to speak up and demand equality and change.
However, disparities in pay and the cost of goods aren’t the only issues women have to face in the U.S.
One in five women experience rape or attempted rape in their lifetime. Additionally, 81% of women reported experiencing some form of sexual assault or harassment in their lifetime.
The issue of equality doesn’t only have to do with women being stereotyped as being weak or frail, and it doesn’t only have to do with the economical disparities faced by women. The issue of equality also focuses on the survivors of rape and sexual assault as well as those who have spoken up against it.
Next time you ask “Why do women even need a month?” make sure to think about the struggles women have had to face throughout history, whether it is racial or gender discrimination or blatant disrespect from others in society.
Women are powerful and should be recognized as such, especially during this month of March.