PRO: Extending the privilege to juniors will help to eliminate problems
Seniors whose grades meet certain requirements receive what’s known as “Senior Privilege.” This allows seniors to arrive late or leave early when they have off first or last mod. Juniors should be given the same privilege.
At the end of their sophomore year and the beginning of their junior year, students start getting their driver’s license. Students can drive themselves to and from school and no longer need to get rides from their parents.
With this new ability to drive, students are required to be more responsible. If senior privilege was transitioned to a parking privilege that applied to juniors as well, it would teach juniors responsibility and time management.
This year senior privilege started earlier than normally. Seniors were allowed to utilize their privilege beginning in late September. One of the main reasons they started early was to ease the traffic load before 8 a.m.
Traffic coming to school each morning is always bad as traffic backs up into the roads leading onto the campus. It’s not out of the ordinary for students to have to add an extra 10-20 minutes to their morning trip to prepare for traffic.
If juniors could arrive later when they don’t have a first mod class, there would be fewer cars coming onto campus before 8:00 a.m., so, therefore, morning traffic would be reduced even more.
In the afternoon, students who have off last mod could leave before 2:45 p.m. This would shorten the pickup line in the afternoon and reduce the number of cars exiting the school.
Since this is a privilege, it would incentivize juniors to keep their grades up.
Junior year is challenging, and motivation to earn a specific GPA will benefit students.
Receiving the same privileges as the students in the grade above them will give juniors a sense of leadership. They will embrace their need to be leaders in the school and fulfill their roles as an upperclassmen.
There is a big transition between junior and senior years. Seniors become focused on applying to colleges and preparing for their futures. Allowing juniors to have the same privileges as seniors will better prepare them for their senior years.
Some may argue that the parking privilege should exclusively be for seniors, but extending it to juniors would teach them time management and responsibility. These traits would prepare them for college and beyond.
Does this mean sophomores could benefit when they begin to get their own licenses? If traffic conditions continue, they could get a privilege as well.
If the privilege is abused, it could always be taken away. – Caroline Bomboy
CON: Privileges should just stay with the seniors as they have earned them