Adamski takes his baseball career to the next level

October 31, 2021
Junior Frank Adamski first picked up a baseball bat when he was just four-years-old. Now, several years later, he has committed to play baseball at Coastal Carolina University, where he plans on majoring in Sports Management or Sports Analytics.
From a very young age Frank loved baseball. He said, “Baseball means everything to me. It is my life. I eat, sleep and breathe the sport, and I wouldn’t change anything about it.”
One of his earliest memories of the sport is when he was four or five years old when he was in tee ball. He said, “I would always play 100% and worry about nothing but the game.”
Since then, there have been challenges along the way. The biggest challenge he has faced is dedication. He said, “I love the grind, but sometimes it gets to you mentally, especially at this high of a level. Sometimes when you fall into a slump, you start to slip away from your goal, but you have to come back down and refocus.”
To help him overcome these challenges, he remembers who and what he is playing for. He said, “If you have someone or something you are playing for, it keeps you going just like fuel in an engine.”
Frank has long-term goals with baseball. He said, “My ultimate goal is to make it to the Major Leagues. On a smaller scale I would like to be remembered as someone who never settled for defeat.”
Frank has been and will continue to be a part of the baseball program at JC. He said that JC baseball is the strongest and biggest baseball community he has ever seen and been a part of. He said, “They have taught me to give back, to realize it is not always about us. The opponent are humans, too, and although we are trying to defeat them, we play with respect, and we play the right way.”
The addition during his sophomore year of a state-of-the-art baseball field affected him. Frank said that it “humbled” him, and his “journey just sped up.”
After the field was built, Frank said, “I was so excited to get back into the season that I could hardly stay off the field.”
Frank spends his free time doing other extracurricular activities and more baseball training.
He said, “Every now and then I will take day just for me where I can go hangout with friends, do other activities, or hang out at home. But for the most part I am training for baseball.”
Even though Frank loves baseball, he acknowledged the fact that “at some point we all hang up our cleats.” However, he wants to “keep them on as long as possible.”