JC swim team brings home a championship win

February 17, 2022
John Carroll’s swim team won first place for the ‘C’ conference at the IAAM championships on Monday February 7.
The team arrived at the pool ready to swim the hardest they ever swam. The team won a handful of meets throughout the season, and they were ready to face the other schools.
Like any championship, emotions were high, especially with JC’s rivals, Catholic High. Sophomore Ginger Roarty said, “We were all really nervous to see if we had beaten Catholic High for the first time in years.”
Throughout the meet, it was a constant battle between JC and Catholic High. “We were all super excited and nervous because the meet was between the two of us the entire time, switching between first and second places,” Ginger stated.
It was all worth it when JC won the ‘C’ conference with a score of 383 points. The entire team erupted into cheers, screams, and even some tears when they found out they won.
Ginger said, “We were all super excited and just so happy when we found out that we had won.”
Head Coach Jessica Jelen-Joy and hard working swimmers, such as senior Mackenzie Hopkins and juniors Tori Novak, Kaylie Wolf, and Grace Griffin helped lead the team to their well-deserved victory. The team’s hard work and dedication paid off as they took home a plaque and personal medals.