Senior class achievements recognized at senior awards assembly

Science teacher Julie Bakers presents the Science medal to senior Hunter Kothenbeutel at the senior awards assembly. Kothenbeutel also won the French medal

The senior awards assembly took place on May 29 in the upper gym. Awards were given out to seniors in areas ranging from academics and the arts to athletics and scholarships.

The Xavia Pirrozi photography medals were presented to senior Katelyn Wolf and junior Emily Patrick. Additionally, the Jackie Moeser award was given to junior Colby Fell.

Senior Katlyn Cyphers won the Service Award with a total of 432 recorded hours of service.

Seniors Caleb Anderson and Carrie Dukes won the C. Markland Kelly award.The Michael Brady award was given to Ashley Beyer. Rebecca Kotula won the Ed Miller Award.. The School Spirit Awards were given to seniors Hannah Jacques and James Knell.

Senior Meghan Thompson won the James Long Award. The JC Faculty award was given to seniors Ashley Beyer and Marcus Monroe.

The athletics awards were given to seniors Kiana Wright and Austin Markley. The Gerry Gray awards were given to seniors Scott Strapelli and Caroline Haggerty.

Rebecca Driver was recognized as the Salutatorianand the Valedictorian was senior Claire Zurkowski.

Finally, the teacher of the year, English teacher Susan Fisher, was announced. Fisher then spoke to the school and reflected upon her years of teaching. Junior Brad Paszkiewicz, a student of Fisher, said that,”[Fisher] completely deserved it. She is an amazing teacher who is compassionate about English. English is my least favorite subject but she kept it interesting and I learned a lot.”

Also the Black and Gold Awards were awarded to seniors Caleb Anderson and Claire Zurkowski at the senior showcase.

The rest of the scholarships, department awards, and other various awards given out at the assembly are listed below.


State senatorial: Elise Adamson, Brian Fiddler, Scott Strappelli, and Allison Sanphillipo

Delegate: Jordan Clarke, Becky Hottle, Brian Fiddler, Scott Strappelli.

Har-Co Federal Credit Union: Megan Rink

Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union: Becky Hottle

The Upper Chesapeake: Becky Hottle

The Bel Air Recreation Council: Brandon Lewis, Tony Caperna

Rotary Club: Allison O’Brien

JC Awards

JC Blue Ribbon: Bryan Doherty, Mary Kate Luft

SAC awards: Jen Kreis, Caleb Anderson, Emily Clarke, Matt Henderson, Nathan Barringer, Bryan Doherty

SAC leadership: Caleb Anderson, Claire Zurkowski, Jen Kreis

SAC unsung hero award: Jay Etkins, Carrie Dukes

Four year perfect attendance: Hannah Jacques, Caleb Anderson, Jacob Hernandez

Army Reserves athletic achievement: Ally Kozel, David Knaide

JC Department Awards

Religion medal: Shannon Olsen

Band medal: Claire Zubrowski

Chorus medal: Thomas Gardner

Orchestra medal: Iris Kim

English medal: Brianna Glase

Social Studies medal: Rebecca Driver

U.S. History medal: Madison Meyer, Margaret McGuirk

Science medal: Hunter Kothenbuetel

Math medal: Claire Zurkowski

Spanish medal: Rebecca Driver, David Knaide

French medal: Hunter Kothenbuetel

German medal: Rebecca Kotula

Chinese medal: Iris Kim

Russian medal: Maryana Khoma

Art medal: Claire Zurkowski

TV production medal: Daylin Armstead

Speech & Debate medal: Martha Schick, Rebecca Kotula

Academic Team medals: Brianna Glase, Martha Schick

Yearbook medal: Jen Kreis

Patriot medal: Martha Schick, Emily Clarke, Brianna Glase

Pinnacle medal: Allison O’Brien, Emily Hennegan, Claire Zurkowski, Jordan Clarke

Theatre medal: James Knell, Kyleigh Daiker

Cole Alban is the Online Chief for The Patriot and