Coaches provide advice for athletes for the delay in seasons 

Although beginning their seasons less than a month ago, all sports have been suspended due to COVID-19.

Sydney Miller, Sports Editor

Due to increasing number of cases at the school as well as in Harford County, there is at least a two-week suspension on all sports and extracurricular activities at John Carroll. Seasons will be reevaluated during Thanksgiving break. As of right now, athletes now have an unwanted break from their seasons.

Boys Soccer Head Coach Jim Fendryk said, “While everyone is disappointed with sports and extracurricular activities being halted, we have to hold out hope that we’ll be able to return.” 

Mr. Fendryk added, “While there’s still hope to return, stay focused, stay positive, and stay the course.”

Athletes should keep up in their training so that they are ready to get right back in their season if they are allowed to. His advice is clear that athletes should stay positive and hopeful for their seasons to return.

The soccer team will continue to “meet virtually to discuss playing principles and tactical plans” as a way to keep the athletes in the game, even if they can’t play for the time being.

Head Football Coach Ken Brinkman said, “We are not cancelled yet, but just on hold for, hopefully, two weeks.”

He added that the entire team had a Microsoft teams meeting so that players could talk to each other and “vent their frustrations.”

“They all have worked so hard to get to this point and have done all we have asked to stay safe; this is something out of our control,”  Coach Brinkman said.  He explained that the suspension of the season isn’t the athletes’ fault, and that they should only focus on getting better and not blame themselves since they can’t control the effects of the pandemic.

He said that athletes can control their academics during this time, and they should all stay on top of their school work and get out of the house to stay healthy and in shape.

Varsity Cheerleading Head Coach Carrie Siemsen said,  “The best way to deal with this inconsistency, both athletically and mentally, is to control what you can control, and keep your workouts consistent.  That helps keep your head and your body in the game.”

In keeping consistent with workouts, she recommends to “keep your workouts on the same days and times.

All three coaches are offering their advice to athletes by staying hopeful that the  seasons will be back after Thanksgiving and encouraging them to stay in shape during this away time.