JCSVR_Hall, Allison
The John Carroll School ring is unique and special. All one has to do is to take a look at some of JC’s current staff and their own stories about the ring.
For every junior, their school year is filled with college preparations, SATs, and most importantly, the receiving of the class ring. A tradition since 1968, graduates continue to wear their rings proudly every day.
What is the importance of the class ring?
Assistant Principal Jake Hollin, ’92 said, “It is a rite of passage and a reminder that we represent our school both here and once we leave.”
It is “a symbol of our community, of coming home, of a connection to something greater,” commented Social Studies Teacher Darrion Siler, ’01.
Director of Advancement Susan Roarty ‘95 said the ring is a way to “show your Patriot Pride.”
“The ring is a symbol of coming home to me. It represents where I come from and a place with which I will always be connected,” said School Counselor Molly Roseland, ’05.
Associate Director of Marketing Caroline Boniface, ’13, said that the onyx ring is “a staple in my jewelry collection.” The excitement regarding her ring still lasts, and she loves the timelessness of the piece.
While many alumni wear their ring every day, English and Social Studies teacher Lindsey McCumber, ’14 keeps her ring on her dresser. This is due to its warped condition; however it is one of her most prominent memories of her ring.
Returning home for winter break in her freshman year of college, Ms. McCumber found her ring had gone missing. “I didn’t find it for three weeks – someone found it in the mulch at a playground in Aberdeen. Luckily, my name is engraved on the ring. I still will never know how it found its way there.”
This is a story that Ms. McCumber and all her friends still laugh about today because “this would only happen to me.”
Surprisingly, many lost rings have been found due to JC’s widespread community.
According to Director of Enrollment Edward Maynard, ’93, his ring was lost for nearly ten years before it was recovered. He said, “Purple Heart called my parents and returned it to them when they found it in the back of a car that had been donated.”
While he doesn’t recommend losing the ring, he recommends to “wear the ring with pride as you now join a group of almost 10,000 students who have gone through JC.”
With such a large JC family, alumni have stumbled upon each other all over the world.
When Mrs. Roseland traveled to the U.S. Virgin Islands for vacation, she wore her ring as she had done every day since 2004.
“The ring was spotted, and I was asked the magic question. It sparked a conversation, and I found out that the person who asked me also happened to be a graduate and was in the same class as my mother,” she commented.
Class rings are more than just an object. They are a symbol for the many traditions during junior year, such as the Ring Ceremony and the Ring Dance.
On Ring Day, the day of the ceremony and mass, Director of Admission Caroline Adolf ,’01 had a unique experience. “My uncle, Father Roach, celebrated the Ring Mass which was really special,” she said. “Turning the ring was really fun, and Ring Dance was my favorite dance I went to.”
Another ring tradition, is how it’s customary to get others to turn the ring. Assistant Principal Danica Attanasio, ’97 remembers “asking classmates and teachers to turn my ring 97 times to symbolize my graduating class.”
“The Ring Ceremony brought the Class of 1995 together in such a special way. Our connection to each other had changed, and now we had an indescribable bond through the ring. We were unique individuals with different classes, interests, and groups of friends, but the ring brought us closer,” remembered Mrs. Roarty.
To the juniors this year, Mr. Hollin said, “Congratulations on those milestones and wear your rings proudly as you are a part of a school with a great tradition.”
“Enjoy this special bonding time with your class. Have fun at the events and really take in this moment,” commented Mrs. Boniface.