The School Newspaper of John Carroll School

Men’s Cross Country

November 30, 2015

Men’s varsity and JV cross country both finished with records of 6-1. The varsity team finished second place in the MIAA “B” Conference, coming second to Boys Latin in the championship meet.

“We didn’t have guys running consistently throughout the season,” JV and varsity head coach Michael Monaghan said.

However, the team had one runner who led the team. Senior and varsity captain Evan Moore finished first in the MIAA B conference in the championship race with a time of 16:51.

“Our season went well. We struggled in areas, one being consistency, but we had a lot of freshmen and sophomores step up throughout the season when we needed them to,” Moore said.

According to Moore, the team lost eight races last season and only won one in the A conference. This season they won six after dropping down to the B conference.

“We worked hard to be competitive this season, and it was heartbreaking to come up short,” senior Michael Imbierowicz said.

Mike Moxley is a Sports Editor for The Patriot and

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