Junior John Perry set up candles for junior Alice Cumpston to ask her to homecoming. Cumpston was surprised when she got to the bottom of her driveway to this proposal. (Photo Courtesy Alice Cumpston)
Junior John Perry set up candles for junior Alice Cumpston to ask her to homecoming. Cumpston was surprised when she got to the bottom of her driveway to this proposal.

Photo Courtesy Alice Cumpston

Students surprise Homecoming dates

October 20, 2014

It’s that time of year again. In the last month, guys and girls have been asking or getting asked to Homecoming, which will take place on Oct. 25.

In most cases, the pressure is on for the guy to come up with a creative, unique way to ask the girl. Every year the gestures get more and more elaborate. Whether these proposals are schemes to guarantee a yes or, in some cases, a friendly competition among friends, some of these gestures deserve to be recognized.

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