In case you missed it: Week of Nov. 13

The Patriot recaps what has happened over the past week in the community and makes sure nothing passed you by. Have a look, and catch up on the news just in case you missed it.

Druw Van Der Werff

Junior Olivia Collins presents her reflection on the Corporal Work of Mercy of “Clothe the Naked” during the Thanksgiving Prayer Service. During the prayer service, several students reflected on each Corporal Work of Mercy and shared their experiences.

Envirothon training

Members of the JC Envirothon team attended a training workshop at Rocks State Park on Monday, Nov. 14. Students prepared for their county competition which will be held on Apr. 11.

Students attended five one-hour workshops dealing with the topics of aquatics, wildlife, soils, forestry, agricultural soil, and water stewardship. The training focused on hands-on experiences to give the students the ability to work in the field and interact with trained professionals.

The team took third place in Harford County championships last year and are hoping to do even better this coming season. The A team includes seniors Edward Benner, Elizabeth Butz, Erica Deyesu, Caleb Olsen, and Mary Olsen who are moderated by science department chair Julie Baker.

Thanksgiving Prayer Service

On Friday, Nov. 18, during the assembly mod, students and faculty attended a prayer service in the upper gym. The prayer service brought the school community together before Thanksgiving break and brought attention to the closure of the Year of Mercy in the Catholic Church. Students gave reflections on their experiences with the Corporal Works of Mercy through service and how it affected them.

Junior Olivia Collins was grateful for the opportunity to share her reflection with her classmates. “I was nervous when I was waiting to be called up to the stage, however, once I was up there it felt natural, and I was excited to share what I had to say! I am extremely happy that I was given the chance to share my story with the school and give them an example of how service can impact others!” Collins said.

NHS meeting

On Nov. 18, at 7:30 a.m., the National Honors Society had a meeting to discuss upcoming events. They discussed group service projects, getting service hours, and the induction ceremony on Dec. 1.

Can drive ends

The Patriots “Can” Do food drive ended Friday, Nov. 18, at the Thanksgiving Prayer Service. English teacher Allison Hall’s advisory collected over 400 cans, winning the can drive collection contest for the second year in a row. The number of cans collected fell short of the 8,000 cans goal, but after collecting 4,500 cans, the JC community still proved that they “can” do.  

Lauren Becker is a News Editor for The Patriot and