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The Patriot

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Pro v. Con: Citizens rightfully petition to break up union

Pro v. Con: Citizens rightfully petition to break up union

This is the pro argument on secession from the United States.  To view the con argument click here.

I hope you’ve held on to your Confederate money, the South is rising again. Well not even the South but thousands of dissatisfied citizens in all 50 states across the nation are pushing for secession from the United States which is the right put forward by the founding fathers. If the federal government denies this right how many other rights will they deny?

In each state, petitions have popped up requesting that the states in question be allowed to peacefully secede from the union of the United States. Many of the petitions cite economic and leadership problems stemming from the federal government. They go on to demonstrate the ability of the states to govern themselves and survive as independent nations.

Many of these petitions are being presented on online platforms, such as the White House’s “We the People” page on their website. This site guarantees that any petition that surpasses 25,000 signatures within 30 days will be reviewed by White House officials and if the officials approve of the proposition then they will get the author in touch with the legislative bodies that can make it happen.

Quite a few petitions for states to secede from the union have already reached far beyond the 25,000 signature mark. One of these asks that the state of Texas to be peacefully granted withdrawal from the United States to form its own government. This one petition has over 100,000 signatures which is more than enough to get reviewed by the federal government.

There are those that would call all 100,000 people that signed the petition supporting Texas’ secession traitors. This, however, is a ridiculous and false claim.

There is no law, Constitutional or otherwise, that strictly prohibits states or its citizens from seceding. The Declaration of Independence states “that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” Is the government’s position to suppress their citizens?

We as Americans have a responsibility to change something in our government if we deem it needs to change. Those 100,000 citizens are only fulfilling that responsibility.

However, secession is not easy, nor is it proven to be the best solution to the problems facing the nation as it moves forward. But above all it is not illegal.

The federal government should allow states to secede, but only after certain criteria are met. First, state legislatures should pass legislation to that effect, which would then have to be approved by the executive branch of said state, and have its legality checked by state courts to ensure that a peaceful secession is viable.

Then the issue should be put to referendum so that the citizens of the state have the ultimate choice for their future. Only if the referendum passes should a state be considered for secession.

The federal government should consider a state only if it can present the ability to care for its citizens through foundational social services like welfare, social security, and unemployment. A state would also have to exhibit the ability to govern itself, both in ways that the federal government does for the nation as a whole, in areas such as defense and international relations, as well as continue to handle responsibilities given to state governments.

Each state that believes that secession is their best option for the future that demonstrates they can handle the addition pressure secession would bring, should pursue it. There should not even be an argument regarding state secession. It is the legal right of a state to secede from the union, and the federal government does not have the authority to stand in the way.

Bryan Doherty is an Opinion Editor for The Patriot and



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