Report Card: New and improved Open House, Water fountain upgrades, Parking lot traffic terror

The Patriot turns the tables by grading the school on today’s issues.

November 22, 2016

New and improved Open House

One of the most important events within the school calendar is Open House, because it can be a large determining factor in whether or not prospective students choose JC. This year the Enrollment and Admissions Department stepped up their game in order to make an Open House that was well-structured and informative. Instead of prospective students looking annoyed that their parents had dragged them to this event, they were actively participating in a variety of activities. The students seemed to be genuinely interested in JC. The success of this event came directly from massive student involvement and the leadership and planning from members of the Enrollment and Admissions Department.

Water fountain upgrades

In previous years, students were forced to purchase plastic disposable bottles, further damaging the environment, or risk the disgusting and outdated water fountains for refills if they wanted to drink water at school. With the installation of the bottle refill stations students are now using reusable bottles and taking advantage of the school’s water. The fountains have positively impacted the community as there is now a greater emphasis on conservation. The only complaint with the new water bottle filling stations is that they can sometimes be unreliable, only working some of the time. JC is now one step closer to being a green community and students are unknowingly making a difference.

Parking lot traffic terror

Between the student lot, the teacher lot, and the drop off circle, only having one entrance to the school causes traffic jams and serious delays. There is nothing better than arriving at school at a reasonably early time and then proceeding to wait to turn into the school for upwards of 10 minutes. Then once you finally think you are about to make the turn, the line suddenly stops, and you are caught in the middle of the intersection. Not to mention the irresponsible teenage drivers who fly through the parking lot with no regards to pedestrians, making it even more dangerous in the tight and cramped parking lot. This is all a result of the poor design and traffic control, which should be a bigger concern for the administration.

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