The New Year’s Resolution We Should All Set for 2021
Column: The Root of it All
December 18, 2020
I remember the end of 2019. I was so excited for the new year. A fresh start. Then a few short months later, a pandemic came crashing into our world.
The entire world shut down for a while. I could not believe what was happening. Our sports, social lives, and school routines were all put on pause.
Over the summer, things finally started calming down. School was starting again, and JC even started hybrid learning. We were just starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then before Thanksgiving, we were fully virtual again, and then it was back to hybrid on December 7.
There is a positive to all of this. The year is ending soon, and we need to keep in mind that 2021 will be a fresh start. It does not mean that the pandemic will magically go away, but it does mean that we can reset and remind ourselves that we can get through this.
It is so much easier said than done, but we have to stay positive and be kind to one another. My resolution for the new year is to go out of my way to be kinder to family, friends, and everyone else I meet. If I see someone who may not be having the best day, I will try my best to lift their spirits.
Patriots, I encourage all of you to make this a part of your resolution this year: be kinder. We are all living through a pandemic. Each of us has our own personal struggles and conflicts. We can all use a little extra kindness from time-to-time in our lives.
Kindness is one of the most important things we can give to people right now. So, give a compliment to the cashier at the grocery store. Send a letter to a friend to thank that person for being amazing. Tell your mom that the lunch she made you was wonderful.
We do not know what 2021 will bring. If you are feeling down, just remember that there is a new beginning ahead. Crack down on your resolutions, and focus on being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.