Tips to be Productive this Summer

The ROOT of It All

Maddie Root, Managing Editor

Summer is just around the corner. While the glorious months of June, July, and August are a time to relax and have fun, keeping your summer productive is still important. Here are some tips to keep your summer productive:

1. Set a schedule: Over the years, my dad has always told me, “Time is your most precious constraint.” When I first heard him say this, I ignored his advice. Although it took me several years to realize, I learned that he was right.
Something that helps me make the most out of my time is setting a schedule. During the summer, try to plan out each day, and set goals for yourself — even if they are small. Accomplishing the little things will feel like a big achievement.
2. Do not procrastinate summer homework: The last thing I want to do during my summer is to sit down and practice my math skills. However, the stress of summer homework can be eliminated if you take the time to plan out when you want to complete your assignments.
Doing your homework little by little will pay off better than saving it all for the last week of summer break. If your favorite subject is English, start your summer reading early, and save your Math worksheets until July. Your future self will thank you later.
3. Try something new: Even though the phrase “Do not be afraid to try something new” is cliché and overused, trying something new can be a great way to make your summer more interesting. Summer is the perfect time to learn a new skill or to pick up a new hobby.
I encourage all students to try something unique. Trying something new can mean anything from getting a job at your local ice cream shop to interning at a company. Any of these opportunities can spice up your college resume.
4. Plan adventures: Impromptu adventures with friends or family are the perfect escape out of the house on an uneventful day. Going on a picnic in the park with friends can be just as enjoyable as a big trip to NYC.
Other adventures could include visiting local attractions like Main Street or the Ma and Pa Trail. Main Street offers many restaurants and unique shops. Additionally, the Ma and Pa Trail is a great place to hike on a cool summer day.

Students, please enjoy your free time, but, remember to keep some structure to your days. Relish your summer break and appreciate the time with your loved ones.