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Men’s volleyball remains optimistic

Mens volleyball remains optimistic

The volleyball came hurling continually back and forth over the net.  As sophomore Chris Collins sprinted to the ball, his heart pounding, the scoreboard appeared in his peripheral vision.  Only one more point to go.  If his team won this volley, they would have their first win under their belt.  The ball dropped on Archbishop Curley’s side of the court.  JC had their first victory.

The win against Archbishop Curley was the first for the team, and as of now, stands alone.  Despite the men’s varsity volleyball 1-15 record, the team as a whole seems optimistic. “We will improve as the season goes on,” Collins said.

“Everyone is positive and hoping to win some more matches,” senior captain Dino Profili said.

Coach Julian Maliszewski is not discouraged by the losses. “I am optimistic as the season reaches the halfway point . . .  the season has had its ups and downs, but they are good kids and want to learn and are a pleasure to coach,” Maliszewski said.

The light, positive atmosphere and team chemistry is apparent, according to the team.

“We get along very well.  Not only are we teammates, but we are all friends too.  This is really important because a team who doesn’t really get along will never succeed or have a good time,” senior Matt Zoltoski said.

“I don’t exactly mind not winning because most of the time we are playing teams better than us, but regardless we all have fun with it,” senior A.J. Stewart said.

According to the team, Maliszewski seems to be a vital part of their attitudes.

“We all realize that we play volleyball not to win every single game, but rather to have fun.  Whenever we lose a game, our coach asks us if we had fun,” Zoltoski said.

“Last year’s team was very intense.  This year’s team is a bit more reserved, so the dynamic of the team determines how I am as a coach,” Maliszewski said.

As for any obstacles that stand in the team’s way of succeeding, Maliszewski said that it’s simply “the players themselves.”

“The team needs to be energetic and make minimal errors on the court,” Profili said.

The future is bright in the players and Maliszewski’s eyes, and enjoying the game is the focal point. “If everyone can take something away from the season and look back on the season positively, then I have done my job,” Maliszewski said.

Additional reporting by Cara Reilly.

Kailey Tracy is a Copy Editor for the Patriot and

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