The School Newspaper of John Carroll School

The Patriot

  • The Spring Literary Tea will be held beginning at 9:10 on Tuesday, April 9.
  • Classes will resume on Monday, April 8
  • The induction for the Quill and Scroll: The National Honorary Society for High School Journalists will take place on Thursday, April 11.
The School Newspaper of John Carroll School

The Patriot

The School Newspaper of John Carroll School

The Patriot

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Lack of course acceptance notifications baffles students

A couple weeks before spring break, students slowly began getting notifications telling them what classes they got into for the 2013-2014 school year.  Some received emails; others got letters.  Still others got no news at all.

As word spread about these notifications, students who hadn’t received any or who had only heard from one department became worried.

Each department was doing something different.  The English department sent out emails with an attached letter starting around Monday, March 11, two entire weeks before the Social Studies department sent out its emails on Monday, March 25.  The days in between and around these weeks were stressful for many students, who anxiously awaited their notifications, not knowing when to expect them or whom to ask about them.

This kind of unnecessary worry could and should be eliminated. It is unprofessional and easily avoidable.  All departments should agree on a standard procedure to inform students about the next year’s classes.

A few major points need to be uniform:  Should letters or emails be used?  Should all notifications be sent on the same day or not?  Should messages go to those who were accepted to their first choice class, to those who were denied, or to both?  Should there be a standard form?

From the very beginning of freshman year, JC students have a school email account set up.  Why would we not utilize it when its whole purpose is to ease communication and reduce paper waste?  Departments should inform students by email whether they were accepted or denied.

Though a letter is more formal, sending an email would eliminate the likelihood of its being lost, reduce paper waste, lessen the hassle of printing and physically delivering letters, and be more private, in the case that the student is denied.

The current procedure mandates that students should receive notification if they are denied their requested course. This, combined with the uncertain time frame in which the notifications may be sent out, only confuses students, worrying them and needlessly bothering teachers and guidance counselors with their questions.

Emails should be sent to all those who were accepted, as well as those who were denied.  This way, each student would know his or her placement in each class.

The long wait between notices from different departments is pointless and unprofessional.  If a distinct date or timeframe was set and communicated to students, they would feel less uncertain.

Every department should send their emails on the same day.

Finally, there should be a standard format for the email.  A single template, or one for acceptance and one for denial, would eliminate work for current—and future—department chairs.  Plus, it would give the email a more professional, and certified feel.

Kathy Deaver is a Reporter for The Patriot and

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