Sports Updates: Turf fields slide into final stage, Athletes compete in new garb
The Patriot logo is placed onto Field 2, the women’s field. Director of Facilities Stewart Walker predicts the fields should be finished by the end of spring break.
Turf fields slide into final stage
After the recent break in weather, the final installation of the turf field has moved forward. According to Director of Facilities Stewart Walker, Field 2, the women’s field, should be finished around April 3, and Field 1, the stadium field, should be finished the following Friday, April 10.
“Over a month of below-freezing temperatures is what set back the actual installation of the surface,” President Richard O’Hara said.
As soon as Field 2 is finished, the Athletic Department will be able to schedule practices and games on it.
“I’m excited about it because we’ve had one practice at JC outside,” varsity lacrosse player senior Cody Saunders said.
According to Walker, Field 2 will have permanent lines for women’s lacrosse, field hockey, and soccer, with tick marks that allow temporary lining for men’s lacrosse. Field 1 will have permanent lines for football, soccer, and men’s lacrosse, with tick marks for temporary lines for women’s lacrosse and field hockey.
“It’ll be nice to play in all weather conditions, and I think in the future it’ll give us a leg up as far as playing against other teams with turf fields,” Saunders said.
Kathy Deaver is the Online Chief for The Patriot and
Athletes compete in new garb
Just in time for spring sports, varsity baseball, track, and lacrosse teams will be receiving new uniforms as well.
The men’s varsity baseball team is adding new golden jerseys to replace the old golden jerseys.
“I love the new jerseys because they won’t slow me down when I run, like [how] the old jerseys [did],” junior and catcher Matt Lozinak said. “The old jerseys felt like carrying around 20 pounds.”
Women’s and men’s track also received new uniforms in time for spring track and field to begin.
“Our uniforms were old, and we needed new ones,” varsity track coach Robert Torres said.
The new uniforms provide a sleeker look and are more themed after the JC black and vegas gold, according to Torres.
Men’s varsity lacrosse team received a package of new equipment including new helmets, equipment bags, new uniforms, gloves, and a mandatory gray sweatsuit with each player’s number for all indoor practices.
“[The sweatsuit] is better for conditioning, so you’re ready for lacrosse in warmer temperatures,” freshman varsity defender Jeremiah Rosser said. “After talking to the older guys, a lot of the stuff this year is way nicer than anything the team used to get.”
Eric Johnson is a Sports Editor for The Patriot and