Bynion’s Opinion: The need for routine

Copy Chief Taylor Bynion often finds herself wishing there was a way to overcome life’s daily inconveniences, struggles, and challenges. This column gives her a space to share her feelings on everything from minor annoyances to more prominent issues, and hopefully make some positive changes along the way.


It seems like just yesterday we were counting down the days until summer break started, but now we are back in the classroom for a new school year.

Going back to school can be a hard adjustment as we get used to a new schedule and a more structured routine. Many students are used to sleeping in and relaxing over the summer months. At the start of school, however, students are thrown back into an organized routine that includes a strict agenda and waking up early.

With the new school year starting, there are some things that students can do now to help make the transition back a little easier. The most common back-to-school stressors that I have found are adjusting to new sleep schedules and preparing for the workload of a new year.

One adjustment that can be difficult for students is a reduced amount of sleep. During the summer, many students find themselves staying up late at night and sleeping in the next day. While this may seem harmless at the time, once the school year starts, many students struggle to get themselves adjusted to a new sleep schedule.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, not getting proper sleep can “limit your ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems. You may even forget important information like names, numbers, [and] your homework.” Getting inadequate sleep can affect school performance and make students feel like they are really dragging.

Another adjustment that can be difficult for students is preparing themselves for the coming workload they will encounter throughout the year. Each year, the amount of homework students have may increase and it can become hard to balance everything required.

Making a beginning of the year schedule is a great way to get organized. On the schedule, set goal times for going to bed and waking up in the morning. Try to stick to your goals by actually getting into bed a little earlier each night and waking up a little earlier each day so that your internal clock has time to adjust to the type of sleep schedule you will have during the school year.

A schedule can also help you stay organized with your new assignments and workload. Although it’s tempting to put of work until the evening, commit yourself to getting started soon after you get home from school. This will allow for a stress-free night and should also help you get to sleep earlier.

By creating a more structured sleep routine and schedule for yourself, you will not only ensure that you are more prepared for the start of school, but you may discover it’s easier to begin following a routine after having a carefree summer.

Taylor Bynion is the Copy Chief for The Patriot and