‘Bachelor in Paradise’ is a juicy spin-off from the reality show  

Elizabeth Balint, Staff Writer

Bachelor in Paradise is a reality TV show with eight seasons, centered around the dramatic love life of 13 women and ten men. The plot of the show is that every week the men and women switch off to handout roses to their significant others.

To kick off the show, drama begins at the first Rose Ceremony.

To begin the contestant’s journey in Paradise, they have only ten men with 13 women, which means three of the women have to leave Paradise before their journey can begin. This causes drama on the beach because women will try to establish relationships with men, even if they don’t necessarily like them.

During the week, the contestants can talk to any person they desire to try and establish connections although some of these contestants can play dirty. Throughout the show, they added more men and women from previous Bachelor and Bachelorette seasons. This is to make the numbers uneven so that every week it challenges already coupled-up contestants to explore other relationships or to stay coupled up.

The contestants are also given date cards at random, where they can choose who they would like to take on dates with them. During the date, they have fun activities set up for the couples like horseback riding or rock climbing. These are to help the couples bond and have fun with each other.

At the final Rose Ceremony, the remaining contestants have the opportunity to get engaged. The women hand out one last rose, and the men propose. Although not all the remaining contestants get engaged, some will decide they would like to take their relationships off the beach and keep dating, and for some it ends in heartbreak.

If you like juicy, dramatic, and emotional shows, then the Bachelor in Paradise is a good watch for you.