Color guard makes return to after extended absence

Madison Elliott, News Editor

This year JC reintroduced the color guard to the school community. Color Guard Coach Nathan Nocket gave plenty of detail behind the color guard.

For anyone who does not know, “color guard is a marching arts activity that incorporates the use of flags, prop rifles, prop sabers, and a variety of other props with drama, dance, and other interpretive movement to enhance musical performance, elicit emotion, and engage audiences in storytelling,” Mr. Nocket said.

The purpose of the guard is to “visually enhance and interpret music.”

When looking for members for the color guard, Mr. Nocket has been seeking those willing to work hard and take time to develop in performance.

He said he is looking for “someone who is not afraid to try something even though it may seem intimidating.”

Although the group size is always open to growing, he hopes more for individual growth for each of the members. He would prefer a group of hard workers to larger numbers.

Another hope is “ultimately, along with Mrs. Novak, we’d love to add in the color guard to the fall marching band show.” Marching Band Director Casey Novak is a fellow supporter of the color guard.

There are still challenges that the color guard is facing, including the time they have and the mental blocks. The mental blocks include “barriers that say, ‘I can’t toss that.’ and ‘I’ll never catch that equipment.’”

With the time the guard was added, time constraints are difficult to work with. “As we added this activity in mid-semester, our rehearsal time is quite limited,” Mr. Nocket said.

As the guard works to overcome challenges, they continue practicing for their exciting plans.

There is not a particular schedule, but Mr. Nocket said, “We are working hard right now to get ready for the Christmas Parades. After that, my goal is to meet once or twice a week to continue to develop basic skills and learn some fun tricks!”

Although the introduction and role of the color guard can seem intimidating, Mr. Nocket commented, “I can say with confidence that if you work hard and refuse to give up on yourself and your team, then you can achieve excellence within this activity.”

The color guard requires dedicated workers, but the experience is rewarding and exciting to look forward to each performance.