Outside Advisory provides a morning mask break

Advisory time extended by ten minutes to allow for time outside


Ella McGuire, Sports Editor

From wearing masks all day to maintaining social distancing, John Carroll students have to follow the COVID-19 protocols in place on campus. Although some feel it is tiring wearing a mask all day long, the school has come up with a solution for students to have a mask break: Outdoor Advisory.

Outdoor Advisory gives John Carroll students the chance to socialize. Advisory has been extended from 10 minutes to 20 minutes, giving the community a chance to get together while also getting some fresh air. To extend Advisory, five minutes from the mods before and after were pulled to add the 10 extra minutes.
Advisory will still follow mod 2, but students will report to a designated area outdoors instead of their advisor’s classroom. Outdoor Advisory does, however, depend on the weather.
Assistant Principal Mrs. Danica Attanasio was part of the administration who came up with the idea to change advisory outdoors. She said, “We decided to hold advisory outside this year to give students an additional mask break and an opportunity to spend time outside with their group.”
Mrs. Attanasio commented, “I think it is going well. While any change takes some time to get used to, I think it is great to see groups interacting in different ways. I’ve seen lots of fun activities happening around campus during Advisory.”
Having the Outdoor Advisory does not just depend on the weather. Mrs. Attanasio confirmed that it also depends on mask mandate. “We anticipate holding Advisory outside until masks are no longer required inside.”
Being an advisor herself, Mrs. Attanasio said, “I love that everyone has a time built into their schedule to be outside, especially on a beautiful, sunny day.”
Teacher Kimberly Cadle said, “I have grown to like Outdoor Advisory. Although I wasn’t sure about it in the beginning, getting outside for 20 minutes in the morning helps break up busy mornings.” She said that Outdoor Advisory is “kind of like recess.”
Ms. Cadle added, “I have really enjoyed getting the chance to talk to students who I do not get to see often during the school day.”