Senior tennis players connect on the court
Kevin Smith warms up with slow volleys. Both, Isennock and Smith started playing as a doubles pair last season.
Senior Kevin Smith sways back and forth in front of the net, waiting for his teammate, senior Drew Isennock, to serve the ball. As the tennis match begins, the two players move to and fro, calling shots and working together to win. Without having to look, Smith and Isennock know where on the court the other is and play accordingly.
Isennock and Smith began their tennis careers as juniors. The two best friends play as the unstoppable first-string doubles team for men’s varsity tennis. According to men’s varsity tennis coach Rodney Johnson, both players seemed to be naturals, and they were quickly named as the doubles 1 team.

Senior Drew Isennock warms up before the start of practice. Isennock started tennis last year, propelling himself and Kevin Smith as the #1 doubles team.
Isennock, on the other hand, did not start playing tennis until his junior year. According to Smith, he was a quick learner. “At first I was beating him easily, but now we are at the same level,” Smith said regarding his teammate.
Both players are vital members of the team. Smith and Isennock bring “athleticism, a positive attitude, and a genuine willingness to learn,” according to Johnson. At the end of the season, not one, but both players were given the Triple Threat Award, acknowledging not only their talent, but their leadership qualities as well.
Not only do Smith and Isennock bring their skills to the court, but they also bring a fresh energy to the team as a whole. “They bring a lot of fun to the team. They tell jokes and stuff. It makes it more interesting,” senior tennis player Matt Walker said.
Smith and Isennock stand out because of their remarkable chemistry, and ability to work together as a seamless team on the court. “We have a mental connection on the court. I know where he is at all times without having to look,” Isennock said.
Being best friends outside of tennis helps the pair to be successful on the court. “We have great chemistry on and off the court, so during games we work as one team to win. It’s great because if one of us messes up, there’s never any negativity, and it’s just onto the next point,” Smith said.
Katie Sullivan is an In-Focus Editor for The Patriot and