Hunting provides positive gun use
Tyler Thompson, class of ’15, aims and fires off into the sky above an inlet in Cambridge, Maryland, hoping to hit a goose flying in the distance. Thompson often hunts waterfowl with family and friends including senior Michael Imbierowicz, who believes the key to hunting is “good sportsmanship.”
Senior Jack Ey rushes to climb his “money” tree. An adrenaline rush overcomes him, his heart beats furiously, and he starts shaking. He quickly calms himself, double checks to see if it’s a clear shot, makes sure it’s downwind, and pulls the trigger. Concerned, he rushes to make sure the buck is dead and not in pain.
“The last thing I want to do is hurt a deer and have it go through a slow, painful death. When I shoot, I make sure I have a clear shot, always,” Ey said. Ey hunts because he doesn’t believe in slaughterhouses – he believes in a fair chase.
However, Ey doesn’t just hunt to give animals a fair chance. He does it because he enjoys it, and loves the fact that hunting takes place outdoors. Tyler Thompson, class of ‘15, also agrees that being outdoors is one of the best parts of hunting.
Hunting enables students to use firearms, a highly debated topic in the media, responsibility and also create an appreciation for nature and all that dwells in nature. The passion and life lessons involved with hunting for students provides many priceless benefits.
“I like hunting because it is very peaceful just sitting in a blind by the water with my friends and family,” Thompson said. Unlike Ey, who hunts deer, Thompson prefers to hunt waterfowl.
Alongside Thompson, senior Michael Imbierowicz also hunts ducks. Thompson and Imbierowicz hunt together in Cambridge, MD, and both use shotguns. Imbierowicz uses a 12-gauge because he hunts deer as well as ducks.
Thompson and Imbierowicz often hunt with big groups of family and friends, and all get up at the break of dawn to have the best opportunities of getting the kill. “[Hunting] brings me closer with nature, and it helps population control,” Imbierowicz said.
According to National Hunting and Fishing Day’s website, more Americans hunt than play golf. Hunting is a skill that is learned over time that requires patience from the hunter and dedication for continual improvement. Learning the sport is different for everyone. “I usually learn watching youtube videos. I can’t tell you how many videos I’ve watched for who knows how many hours,” Ey said.
According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, 15.7 million Americans older than six years of age went hunting in 2011. Both Ey and Thompson started hunting when they were 12 years old.
“I see myself as a [game] manager when I am hunting,” Imbierowicz said. To those opposed to hunting, particularly trophy hunting, the county sets guidelines for hunters. Harford county only allows a few Sundays out of the year as legal hunting days. Also, the county government allows certain days for certain rifles.
According to Ey, he will only be allowed to use his muzzleloader, a type of firearm, four days for this hunting season. The strict laws help the local government moderate and oversee the firearms being used in the county. Violations prompts severe punishments help to eliminate the dangers of the abuse of firearms.
Hunting allows for students to use firearms responsibly, when they follow state regulations.
Some of the major drawbacks of hunting are trophy hunting, inhuman suffering, and the dangers of the sport, according to, a blog dedicated to informing people on relevant topics being discussed around the world.
“The key is good sportsmanship. As long as you follow rules and regulations, don’t poach, respect fellow hunters by being courteous, and be respectful of the property, there is nothing wrong with hunting,” Imbierowicz said.
There are also benefits to hunting. Not only is it a viable hobby, but it also teaches lessons.
“It took me three years to kill my first deer, it’s taught me more patience and also to never give up. It’s definitely been one of the best things in my life,” Ey said.
Kishan Patel is the Online Editor in Chief for The Patriot and